134. pfring

pfring 是重放网络数据包的有有力工具


/home/PF_RING-6.0.2/userland/examples/pfsend -i dna1 -f /data1/rawdata110   -r4 -n100
/home/PF_RING-6.0.2/userland/examples/pfsend -i dna0 -f /data1/rawdata002 -r 5
/home/PF_RING-6.0.2/userland/examples/pfsend -i dna0 -n 0 -r 5

-a              Active send retry
-f <.pcap file> Send packets as read from a pcap file
-g <core_id>    Bind this app to a core
-h              Print this help
-i <device>     Device name. Use device
-l <length>     Packet length to send. Ignored with -f
-n <num>        Num pkts to send (use 0 for infinite)
-r <rate>       Rate to send (example -r 2.5 sends 2.5 Gbit/sec, -r -1 pcap capture rate)
-m <dst MAC>    Reforge destination MAC (format AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF)
-b <num>        Number of different IPs (balanced traffic)
-w <watermark>  TX watermark (low value=low latency) [not effective on DNA]
-z              Disable zero-copy, if supported [DNA only]
-x <if index>   Send to the selected interface, if supported
-d              Daemon mode
-P <pid file>   Write pid to the specified file (daemon mode only)
-v              Verbose
watch -d -n 1 IPNetStat 0



/home/PF_RING-6.0.2/userland/examples/pfsend -i dna0 -f rawdata100 -r10 -n0
/home/PF_RING-6.0.2/userland/examples/pfsend -i dna0 -r10 -n0               #需要制定要发送的IP数据包,否则自行构建的数据包可能不是IP数据包,测试结果较差