55. SHA 安全哈希算法




  • SHA-1、SHA-224、SHA-256可适用于长度不超过2^64的二进制位的消息
  • SHA-384和SHA-512适用于长度不超过2^128二进制位的消息


  • SHA-1算法的哈希值大小为160位,为20字节。
  • SHA-224算法的哈希值大小为224位,为28字节。
  • SHA-256算法的哈希值大小为256位,为32字节。
  • SHA-384算法的哈希值大小为384位,为48字节。
  • SHA-512算法的哈希值大小为384位,为48字节。

SHA256的demo :

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "openssl/sha.h"

int main()
    unsigned char *str = "string";
    static unsigned char buffer[65];

    SHA256(str, strlen(str), buffer);

    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
        printf("%02x", buffer[i]);



gcc sha256.c -lcrypto -o sha256.out
banana@bfc9c8267aa8:/sha256$ ./sha256.out

可以使用在线工具进行验证。 [2]

在openssl/sha.h [3] 中声明的SHA256函数会依次调用 SHA256_Init(), SHA256_Update(), SHA256_Final(), OPENSSL_cleanse() [4]

unsigned char *SHA256(const unsigned char *d, size_t n, unsigned char *md)
    SHA256_CTX c;
    static unsigned char m[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];

    if (md == NULL)
        md = m;
    SHA256_Init(&c);            //初始化CTX, 根据sha256的计算原理,需要把数据补全之类的操作
    SHA256_Update(&c, d, n);    //开始循环计算各个数据块的哈希值
    SHA256_Final(md, &c);       //合并哈希值,8个4字节合到一起
    OPENSSL_cleanse(&c, sizeof(c));
    return md;

在SHA256_Update的实际计算中,核心函数是sha256_block_data_order 在ARMv8上有三种实现

  • C语言的实现
  • ARMv7 neon
  • ARMv8 sha256

C语言的实现 [5]

static void sha256_block_data_order(SHA256_CTX *ctx, const void *in,
                                    size_t num)
    unsigned MD32_REG_T a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, s0, s1, T1;
    SHA_LONG X[16];
    int i;
    const unsigned char *data = in;

    while (num--) {

        a = ctx->h[0];
        b = ctx->h[1];
        c = ctx->h[2];
        d = ctx->h[3];
        e = ctx->h[4];
        f = ctx->h[5];
        g = ctx->h[6];
        h = ctx->h[7];

        if (!IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN && sizeof(SHA_LONG) == 4
            && ((size_t)in % 4) == 0) {
            const SHA_LONG *W = (const SHA_LONG *)data;

            T1 = X[0] = W[0];
            ROUND_00_15(0, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h);
            T1 = X[1] = W[1];
            ROUND_00_15(1, h, a, b, c, d, e, f, g);
            T1 = X[2] = W[2];
            ROUND_00_15(2, g, h, a, b, c, d, e, f);
            T1 = X[3] = W[3];
            ROUND_00_15(3, f, g, h, a, b, c, d, e);
            T1 = X[4] = W[4];
            ROUND_00_15(4, e, f, g, h, a, b, c, d);
            T1 = X[5] = W[5];
            ROUND_00_15(5, d, e, f, g, h, a, b, c);
            T1 = X[6] = W[6];
            ROUND_00_15(6, c, d, e, f, g, h, a, b);
            T1 = X[7] = W[7];
            ROUND_00_15(7, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, a);
            T1 = X[8] = W[8];
            ROUND_00_15(8, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h);
            T1 = X[9] = W[9];
            ROUND_00_15(9, h, a, b, c, d, e, f, g);
            T1 = X[10] = W[10];
            ROUND_00_15(10, g, h, a, b, c, d, e, f);
            T1 = X[11] = W[11];
            ROUND_00_15(11, f, g, h, a, b, c, d, e);
            T1 = X[12] = W[12];
            ROUND_00_15(12, e, f, g, h, a, b, c, d);
            T1 = X[13] = W[13];
            ROUND_00_15(13, d, e, f, g, h, a, b, c);
            T1 = X[14] = W[14];
            ROUND_00_15(14, c, d, e, f, g, h, a, b);
            T1 = X[15] = W[15];
            ROUND_00_15(15, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, a);

            data += SHA256_CBLOCK;
        } else {
            SHA_LONG l;

            (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
            T1 = X[0] = l;
            ROUND_00_15(0, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h);
            (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
            T1 = X[1] = l;
            ROUND_00_15(1, h, a, b, c, d, e, f, g);
            (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
            T1 = X[2] = l;
            ROUND_00_15(2, g, h, a, b, c, d, e, f);
            (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
            T1 = X[3] = l;
            ROUND_00_15(3, f, g, h, a, b, c, d, e);
            (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
            T1 = X[4] = l;
            ROUND_00_15(4, e, f, g, h, a, b, c, d);
            (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
            T1 = X[5] = l;
            ROUND_00_15(5, d, e, f, g, h, a, b, c);
            (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
            T1 = X[6] = l;
            ROUND_00_15(6, c, d, e, f, g, h, a, b);
            (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
            T1 = X[7] = l;
            ROUND_00_15(7, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, a);
            (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
            T1 = X[8] = l;
            ROUND_00_15(8, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h);
            (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
            T1 = X[9] = l;
            ROUND_00_15(9, h, a, b, c, d, e, f, g);
            (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
            T1 = X[10] = l;
            ROUND_00_15(10, g, h, a, b, c, d, e, f);
            (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
            T1 = X[11] = l;
            ROUND_00_15(11, f, g, h, a, b, c, d, e);
            (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
            T1 = X[12] = l;
            ROUND_00_15(12, e, f, g, h, a, b, c, d);
            (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
            T1 = X[13] = l;
            ROUND_00_15(13, d, e, f, g, h, a, b, c);
            (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
            T1 = X[14] = l;
            ROUND_00_15(14, c, d, e, f, g, h, a, b);
            (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
            T1 = X[15] = l;
            ROUND_00_15(15, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, a);

        for (i = 16; i < 64; i += 8) {
            ROUND_16_63(i + 0, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, X);
            ROUND_16_63(i + 1, h, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, X);
            ROUND_16_63(i + 2, g, h, a, b, c, d, e, f, X);
            ROUND_16_63(i + 3, f, g, h, a, b, c, d, e, X);
            ROUND_16_63(i + 4, e, f, g, h, a, b, c, d, X);
            ROUND_16_63(i + 5, d, e, f, g, h, a, b, c, X);
            ROUND_16_63(i + 6, c, d, e, f, g, h, a, b, X);
            ROUND_16_63(i + 7, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, a, X);

        ctx->h[0] += a;
        ctx->h[1] += b;
        ctx->h[2] += c;
        ctx->h[3] += d;
        ctx->h[4] += e;
        ctx->h[5] += f;
        ctx->h[6] += g;
        ctx->h[7] += h;


ARMv7 neon [6]

.globl      sha256_block_neon
.type       sha256_block_neon,%function
.align      4
    stp     x29, x30, [sp, #-16]!
    mov     x29, sp
    sub     sp,sp,#16*4
    adr     $Ktbl,.LK256
    add     $num,$inp,$num,lsl#6    // len to point at the end of inp
    ld1.8   {@X[0]},[$inp], #16
    ld1.8   {@X[1]},[$inp], #16
    ld1.8   {@X[2]},[$inp], #16
    ld1.8   {@X[3]},[$inp], #16
    ld1.32  {$T0},[$Ktbl], #16
    ld1.32  {$T1},[$Ktbl], #16
    ld1.32  {$T2},[$Ktbl], #16
    ld1.32  {$T3},[$Ktbl], #16
    rev32   @X[0],@X[0]             // yes, even on
    rev32   @X[1],@X[1]             // big-endian
    rev32   @X[2],@X[2]
    rev32   @X[3],@X[3]
    mov     $Xfer,sp
    add.32  $T0,$T0,@X[0]
    add.32  $T1,$T1,@X[1]
    add.32  $T2,$T2,@X[2]
    st1.32  {$T0-$T1},[$Xfer], #32
    add.32  $T3,$T3,@X[3]
    st1.32  {$T2-$T3},[$Xfer]
    sub     $Xfer,$Xfer,#32
    ldp     $A,$B,[$ctx]
    ldp     $C,$D,[$ctx,#8]
    ldp     $E,$F,[$ctx,#16]
    ldp     $G,$H,[$ctx,#24]
    ldr     $t1,[sp,#0]
    mov     $t2,wzr
    eor     $t3,$B,$C
    mov     $t4,wzr
    b       .L_00_48
.align      4
    cmp     $t1,#0                          // check for K256 terminator
    ldr     $t1,[sp,#0]
    sub     $Xfer,$Xfer,#64
    bne     .L_00_48
    sub     $Ktbl,$Ktbl,#256                // rewind $Ktbl
    cmp     $inp,$num
    mov     $Xfer, #64
    csel    $Xfer, $Xfer, xzr, eq
    sub     $inp,$inp,$Xfer                 // avoid SEGV
    mov     $Xfer,sp
    add     $A,$A,$t4                       // h+=Sigma0(a) from the past
    ldp     $t0,$t1,[$ctx,#0]
    add     $A,$A,$t2                       // h+=Maj(a,b,c) from the past
    ldp     $t2,$t3,[$ctx,#8]
    add     $A,$A,$t0                       // accumulate
    add     $B,$B,$t1
    ldp     $t0,$t1,[$ctx,#16]
    add     $C,$C,$t2
    add     $D,$D,$t3
    ldp     $t2,$t3,[$ctx,#24]
    add     $E,$E,$t0
    add     $F,$F,$t1
    ldr     $t1,[sp,#0]
    stp     $A,$B,[$ctx,#0]
    add     $G,$G,$t2
    mov     $t2,wzr
    stp     $C,$D,[$ctx,#8]
    add     $H,$H,$t3
    stp     $E,$F,[$ctx,#16]
    eor     $t3,$B,$C
    stp     $G,$H,[$ctx,#24]
    mov     $t4,wzr
    mov     $Xfer,sp
    b.ne    .L_00_48
    ldr     x29,[x29]
    add     sp,sp,#16*4+16
.size       sha256_block_neon,.-sha256_block_neon

ARMv8 sha256 [7]

.type       sha256_block_armv8,%function
.align      6
    stp             x29,x30,[sp,#-16]!
    add             x29,sp,#0
    ld1.32          {$ABCD,$EFGH},[$ctx]
    adr             $Ktbl,.LK256
    ld1             {@MSG[0]-@MSG[3]},[$inp],#64
    sub             $num,$num,#1
    ld1.32          {$W0},[$Ktbl],#16
    rev32           @MSG[0],@MSG[0]
    rev32           @MSG[1],@MSG[1]
    rev32           @MSG[2],@MSG[2]
    rev32           @MSG[3],@MSG[3]
    orr             $ABCD_SAVE,$ABCD,$ABCD          // offload
    orr             $EFGH_SAVE,$EFGH,$EFGH
for($i=0;$i<12;$i++) {
    ld1.32          {$W1},[$Ktbl],#16
    add.i32         $W0,$W0,@MSG[0]
    sha256su0       @MSG[0],@MSG[1]
    orr             $abcd,$ABCD,$ABCD
    sha256h         $ABCD,$EFGH,$W0
    sha256h2        $EFGH,$abcd,$W0
    sha256su1       @MSG[0],@MSG[2],@MSG[3]
    ($W0,$W1)=($W1,$W0);    push(@MSG,shift(@MSG));
    ld1.32          {$W1},[$Ktbl],#16
    add.i32         $W0,$W0,@MSG[0]
    orr             $abcd,$ABCD,$ABCD
    sha256h         $ABCD,$EFGH,$W0
    sha256h2        $EFGH,$abcd,$W0
    ld1.32          {$W0},[$Ktbl],#16
    add.i32         $W1,$W1,@MSG[1]
    orr             $abcd,$ABCD,$ABCD
    sha256h         $ABCD,$EFGH,$W1
    sha256h2        $EFGH,$abcd,$W1
    ld1.32          {$W1},[$Ktbl]
    add.i32         $W0,$W0,@MSG[2]
    sub             $Ktbl,$Ktbl,#$rounds*$SZ-16     // rewind
    orr             $abcd,$ABCD,$ABCD
    sha256h         $ABCD,$EFGH,$W0
    sha256h2        $EFGH,$abcd,$W0
    add.i32         $W1,$W1,@MSG[3]
    orr             $abcd,$ABCD,$ABCD
    sha256h         $ABCD,$EFGH,$W1
    sha256h2        $EFGH,$abcd,$W1
    add.i32         $ABCD,$ABCD,$ABCD_SAVE
    add.i32         $EFGH,$EFGH,$EFGH_SAVE
    cbnz            $num,.Loop_hw
    st1.32          {$ABCD,$EFGH},[$ctx]
    ldr             x29,[sp],#16
.size       sha256_block_armv8,.-sha256_block_armv8